BEARS ALMA Proposal Workshop 🧸

Published at January 25, 2023 5:22 p.m.
Edited at March 27, 2023 5:56 p.m.

Scientific Rationale

This four-day workshop will focus on future exploitation of the Japanese / UK BEARS collaboration, i.e., the Bright Extragalactic ALMA Redshift Search. ALMA and the ACA (i.e., the Morita Array) have performed extensive redshift searches on the high-redshift Herschel legacy of the southern sky (>200 collaborators). Here, we want to plan the future of dusty galaxy studies with ALMA.


Urquhart+22 reported the catalogue of this study, with 71 spectroscopic redshifts across our sample using efficient ALMA tunings (with 56 co-authors). The data exploration is done across three papers, with Bendo+2022 reporting the dust properties from high-quality long-wavelength continuum observations, and Hagimoto+in prep. discussing the gas properties of these galaxies across the 156 spectral lines observed in this ALMA campaign.

In Cycle 8 and 8.5, follow-up observations of sixteen sources were completed with the 12m array at high resolution (0.3 to 0.1 arcsec across Bands 3 through 8) to target 85 spectral lines in six hours. Observations with the ACA are characterizing the sample properties as a whole, aiming to complete the redshift sample across all 85 sources, and to study the gas properties (through atomic carbon [CI] observations), star-formation properties (through water emission lines), and star-formation rates (through ionized carbon [CII] observations). This work has fueled successful expansions and continuations, with ongoing projects targeting all 85 galaxies across bands 3 through 8, observing 370 spectral lines.

The value of this catalogue is ever-increasing, with ancillary data from ALMA and other institutes (e.g., HST, Gemini, Subaru, ATCA, VISTA) enriching the data set. In fact, high-resolution observations have showcased different source types that warrant deep and dedicated follow-up, and the comprehensive nature of the sample makes large-scale high-resolution surveys of targeted lines (e.g., absorption lines) and subpopulations (e.g., the high-redshift tail, strong gravitational lenses, unlensed systems) desirable. We have expert ALMA data scientists on board, and are ready to expand the international scope of this project. The last two days of the workshop will be dedicated to planning of the follow-up proposals with input from the wider community.

Meeting overview

Discussions form a crucial part of the meeting, and accordingly, we soft-start the meeting with a coffee break. The zoom link will go live from 15:00, but to accomodate the UK-time difference, we start our talks at 15:30.

Tuesday 7th of March
15:00 Coffee ☕
15:30 Intro (Tom Bakx)
15:40 Sheona Urquhart
16:10 Takafumi Tsukui
16:25 Coffee ☕
16:40 George Bendo
17:10 Ryota Ikeda
17:25 Jorge Zavala
17:40 Discussion
18:00 End (dinner)

Wednesday 8 of March
15:00 Coffee ☕
15:30 Masato Hagimoto
16:00 Hiddo Algera
16:15 Coffee ☕
16:30 Tom Bakx
17:00 Jorge Zavala
17:15 Aris Amvrosiadis
17:45 Discussion & distribution of project groups
18:00 End (dinner)

Thursday 9 of March
15:00 Coffee ☕
15:30 Proposal break-outs
16:15 Coffee ☕
16:30 Proposal break-outs
17:30 Discussion
18:00 End (dinner)

Friday 10th of March
15:00 Coffee ☕
15:30 Proposal break-outs
16:45 Coffee ☕
17:00 Presentation of the proposal drafts
18:00 End (dinner)




Mitaka, ALMA room 102
Screen Shot 2023-03-01 at 16.20.32


The scope of the meeting is to ensure a substantial effort twards ALMA proposals. Therefore, we plan to create a catalogue of proposal outlines. For each proposal idea, copy the overleaf template, and fill it in accordingly: https://www.overleaf.com/read/yssvvsqjdnmx
Subsequently, we will add everyone interested in joining the discussions to the following table:

Proposal Participants Link
Template proposal https://www.overleaf.com/read/yssvvsqjdnmx
?? Aristeidis Amvrosiadis
High-freq. ANGELS George Bendo
CO1-0 Band 1 Masato Hagimoto
?? Hiddo Algera
?? Ikki Mitsuhashi
?? Jorge ZAVALA
?? Ryota Ikeda
?? Sheona Urquhart
?? Stephen Serjeant
AGN properties Takafumi Tsukui https://docs.google.com/document/d/1xW0orTffo9VmVJrEmcGtlnrDWSWZcopbn7qPGMWLqRM/edit
OIII88um with ACA Tom Bakx
?? Toshiki Saito
Outflow study Xiaoyang Chen BEARS_outflow_cosmic_noon_X.Chen.pdf


Kohei Shibata Ehime University Online Online Online Online
Kouichiro Nakanishi NAOJ In person Online Unavailable Unavailable
Shuo Huang The University of Tokyo In person In person In person In person
Yuri Nishimura The University of Tokyo Online Online Online Unavailable
Ryota Ikeda NAOJ/SOKENDAI In person In person In person In person
Hanae Inami Hiroshima University Unavailable Unavailable Unavailable Unavailable
Xiaoyang Chen NAOJ Online Online Online Online
Tomoki Saito University of Hyogo Online Online Online Online
Yuma Sugahara NAOJ / Waseda U. Online Unavailable Unavailable Unavailable
Takafumi Tsukui Australian National University Online Online Online Online
Takuya Hashimoto University of Tsukuba In person Online Online Unavailable
Kosuke Takahashi Tohoku University Online Online Online Online
Suchetha Cooray Nagoya University Online Online Online Online
Dragan Salak Hokkaido University Online Online Online Online
Masato HAGIMOTO Nagoya University In person In person In person In person
Yongming Liang ICRR/Univ. Tokyo Online Online Online Unavailable
Koseki Tomohiro University of Tsukuba Online Online Online Online
Takashi Yamamoto University of Tsukuba In person In person In person Online
Zhong Yuxing Waseda University Online Online Online Online
Masayuki Akiyama Tohoku University Online Online Online Online
Hiddo Algera Hiroshima University In person In person In person In person
Yamamoto Naoaki Tohoku University Online Online Online Online
Tom Bakx Nagoya University In person In person In person In person
George Bendo Manchester ARC In person In person In person In person
Sheona Urquhart Open University, UK In person In person In person In person
Jorge Zavala NAOJ ARC In person In person In person In person

